Five Ways You’re Hurting Your Financial Health

It’s often difficult to identify what is keeping you in debt. This is a touchy subject, but recognizing these areas and doing something about them can improve your financial health tremendously. Be honest with yourself if you’ve adopted these habits, since the first step toward making changes is recognizing the problems.

You’re blind to your debts. Have you found that you’re trying not to think about your debts at all? Denial is a trait that leads to staying in debt. Taking a full inventory of what you owe and being proactive in finding solutions to get yourself out of debt is the only way to handle the situation. Cutting back on expenses, looking at possible solutions like personal loans through or debt consolidation services, and making finances a priority are all great ways to start this process.

You feel helpless. Being in debt can make you feel inadequate, which causes you to lose confidence in yourself and control of your situation. Getting a clear picture of what your financial situation is and taking measures to rectify the situation can create confidence in you to get back on track. When you’re fully aware of your financial health and work to become more stable, you will regain control.

You’re not paying yourself. This can be a huge factor into a continuous cycle of debt. Paying yourself means adding money to your savings account when you get your paychecks. Savings accounts take discipline to build, but having one can help you avoid putting purchases on credit cards or taking out unnecessary loans. You won’t miss $10-$20 each paycheck, but with time it will become a great asset.

You prefer instant gratification to planning for the future. Getting through this week and this month with the money you have is important, but making sure you are setting yourself up for success in the future is equally important. Getting yourself into a financially healthy position is a process that may take some time, but you have to start today. Ask yourself if every purchase is vital or if that money would be better saved. Taking control of your financial future means that you have to start prioritizing your future goals.

You don’t have a plan. Every course of action needs a plan. Take time to analyze your income and expenses. What “extras” are you spending money on frequently that you could cut back or eliminate? Monthly treats and subscriptions add up. Getting rid of non-essentials that you are accustomed to having seems difficult, but you can enjoy them again once your financial picture improves. Incentivize savings or other financial goals. Pay off a credit card? Enjoy an evening out with friends. Reach $500 in savings? Purchase an additional streaming service for your household to enjoy. You can learn new behaviors that will improve your financial health!